Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy New Year

Christmas was very nice this year. My family and Scott's family all came on the 23rd for dinner and fellowship. We had a great time but it ended too quickly. My parents,daughter and son in law stayed the night after the party and we opened gifts. Everyone left Christmas Eve and Hunter, Scott and I went to a candle lite service at our church that was very heartfelt. After that we went riding to look at Christmas lights. It has been nice having Scott off on vacation this Christmas.
The last few days we decided to go off on mini day trips that has been fun. Wednesday we went to Green Cove Springs and drove through the city of lights and ended with a fun night of roasting marshmallows, and ice skating for Hunter at the arena they had set up. Thursday evening we drove to Gainesville and ate at the Melting Pot(fondu) Yummo. Today we went through Hastings and found a really neat place that a gentleman had collected antiques and showed them off in an old train station building. He even has another building that makes their own chips and sells them. Then we went on to Saint Augustine for a early dinner and more ice skating for Hunter. This arena was much larger and they played a movie in the back ground so parents could watch while their children skated. They even had a bubble machine that made fake snow fall on the ice skating rink. It looked pretty cool falling but Hunter said it made it pretty slippery.
Looking forward to a wonderful new year in 2008 but sad to see Scott's vacation coming to an end. Blessings

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Childrens Christmas Party

We had a Christmas party for the children at church last night. They all seemed to have a great time. There were about 35 children. We started the party off by inviting the whole church family to eat dinner and have birthday cake for Jesus with us. Then Mrs. Glenda read the story of Jesus to all the children. We then made a few crafts that were so cute. Mrs. Suzanne had the fellowship hall decked out with decorations. She is such a talented sweetheart. She also let the children make an adorable manager scene craft and reindeer treat bag. Next we played a few games that were kinda long but fun. All in all I think the party was a success and fun was had by all.
Christmas is only 5 days away and I thought I was through with my shopping until someone called today and said guess what I bought myself and of course it was what I had bought them already.
That is totally breaking the rules. You can't buy yourself ANYTHING from Dec 1st until after Christmas. Now I have to go shopping again-UGH
My son in law graduates from law school tomorrow. I am very proud of him.
Hope everyone has a Blessed Christmas.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cutest Company All Year

I had two very cute visitors last night and thought I would show you how cute they were. Do you know these precious children. I wanted to keep them but their Daddy took them home with him :) Lauren helped me put more ornaments on my tree and helped take some off. Michael was more interested in playing with the large spot light and blinding Lauren and I. We had fun and their Mommy should be proud that I didn't let them eat any candy before dinner but did send home candy canes for them and Emmy.
I love to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. In fact I love to see life through the eyes of a child. Don't blink you will miss it and have to wait for grandkids or friends kids.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Chickens get new home

Thanks to my Dad the chickens have a new home. Dad and Mom came last week to visit and Dad made a really cool chicken house. He put cute little doors on it to let the chicken's in and out and a trap door on the side to collect fresh eggs with ease. I am so amazed at his talent. When I was a little girl he built me a playhouse for Christmas one year. It had electricity, lights, carpet, windows,a front porch with a light on it and shutters that had a S on them. My mom made me white curtains with red tie backs to match the red carpet. When I decided I was too old for the play house it became his storage shed that he used for years. I love you Daddy-you and Mom are the best...
I finally hung my stockings today. I have been so slow to decorate this year even though it has been sitting in my living room floor for over a week. It seems that most of my decorations are not tall enough for the ceilings in this house. Oh well what is most important is that we remember the reason for the decorations. Happy Birthday Jesus...
We helped decorate the church tonight after the evening service. We had people singing around the piano, kids running around with tinsil, trees and lights and wreaths galore. It was fun. I've never been to a church before that everyone helps decorate, usually when you walk in one person has done a perfect job on everything. I can honestly say this church feels like you belong when you worship, eat, decorate, laugh, cry and pray with each other. I thank God for our little church in the middle of a cow pasture.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Busy December

December seems to flash by so fast every year to me. I know it's because there is soooooo much going on and you want to try and take it all in but it makes me tired. I really want to slow down enough to fellowship with family and friends and remember the true meaning of the holiday. Jesus' birthday.
Hunter's soccer season came to an end last weekend and they had a team party. It was very nice and J.J made us an awesome cake. Hunter is looking forward to sign up's in Feb.
I have subbed at Hunter's school twice this week and it has been a great experience. Tuesday I taught a business class and today Social Studies. Children truly are a gift from God.
Hope you all have a blessed week.

Friday, November 30, 2007

I love Christmas

We were trying to put the Christmas tree up this afternoon and I had the front door open. Shadow our new outside cat decided to come in and make herself at home on Pepper's blanket. Pepper didn't seem to mind one bit. She is such a sweet kitty but I'm not quite ready for a cat and dog in the house. Of course Lindsay by phone and Hunter tried to convince me Shadow needs to be inside all the time. Sorry I'm not into litter boxes and will be so mad if that cat pee's in my house:)
On to Christmas decorating. It is going well but not anywhere near finished yet. I have to run Hunter to soccer practice in a few minutes. Tomorrow is the last game and we had not lost a game until last night and it's a team we have beaten before. The pressure is on we play the same team again so I know both teams are going to give it their all. Both teams have great players and they all seem to be good sports. Thank you God for my child, that he is able to run and play and talk and laugh and learn about you. Amen.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Best Ice Box Fruit Cake Ever

O.K before you turn your nose up at the word fruit cake let me say I don't like the typical stuff. This is a recipe like no other. It is my Mom's recipe and she has been making it for years for our family. When I was younger she would make it for me and leave out the cherries but now I love it with them too.

Ice box Fruit Cake By: Sue Winburn

1 lb coconut
1 lb white raisins
3/4 lb red candied cherries
3/4 lb green candied cherries
5 cups pecans
3 cups walnuts
1 large bag of marshmallows
2 small cans of Pet brand milk(not the sweetened condensed)
1 lb box graham crackers

Crush graham crackers into fine crumbs. Combine milk and marshmallows in sauce pan, heat over very low temp until marshmallows are melted.
Add cracker crumbs and mix well.
Add all other ingredients and mix well. (This mixture will be very,very thick but keep stirring or use hands. You may have to add a little extra milk.)(we wear clean gloves, sprayed with Pam to mix ours)
When thoroughly mixed, pack in loaf pans of your choice. Wrap in foil and refrigerate until chilled. Slice thin and serve. Keep Refrigerated. Can be frozen too.

Do you have a family recipe you would like to share?

Sunday, November 25, 2007


My parents, Scott's Mom and my daughter and her hubby all joined us on Thanksgiving. We had a nice visit even though I wasn't feeling my best. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
Thankful For:
T Toooooo much food
H happiness
A awesome God
N Neighbors & Friends
K kitten-our newest addition
F For more blessings than I can count
U For U if you are reading this
L Love

We had a wonderful festival at our church Sat afternoon that ended with a fun hayride. My daughter stayed the weekend with us and I truly enjoyed it. We ate, played cards, ate, watched a movie, ate, watched t.v, ate, went to the festival and ate....
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remembered to count your blessings one by one.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nana and Papa's Girl

My sweet daughter took Friday off work and went Thursday evening to spend the weekend with her Nana and Papa. She cooked, did laundry and pampered my Mom after her surgery. I'm sure she tried to keep her Papa in line too :) I love to hear her and Papa giving each other a hard time all in fun. She lived with my parents while she went to college and they loved every minute of it. I'm sure this reminded them of old times. She is such a blessing. I can always depend on her to help when needed even if I don't ask her. I hope I can be a wonderful Grandma to her children when they come along. I know I have some mighty big shoes to fill.
When I think of my daughter it seems almost like yesterday she was 3 and I was watching her in a dance recital. Then she was 7 and I was helping with her Brownie troop. Then she was 10 and I was watching her play girls softball for the pink socks. Then she was 12 and was Glenda the good witch in her 7th grade Wizard of Oz play. Then she was 14 and was playing volleyball for the high school. Then she was 16 and going to the prom. Then she was 17 and I watched her graduate and go to college. Then I watched her graduate from college and get married all in the same weekend. And it seems.... like it was all just a few days ago. Don't Blink your babies will be grown before you know it. Cherish each day and each memory because you can never go back...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Update on Mom

Mom's surgery went well yesterday. They kept her over night for observation and to try and keep her pain level down. We brought her home today and when I left she was resting comfortably.
Dad is so good to her and she to him. They are two people I admire so much. When I grow up I want to be just like them. Mom goes back to her Dr. in about 10 days. They may have to go back in one day and remove the plate if it bothers her too much.
Thanks for all the prayers and phone calls.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday Newsflash

Please be in prayer for my cousin David. His wife Kathy Yarborough passed away this morning. It's so hard saying goodbye even though we know she is in a better place and out of pain.
Also keep my Mom in prayer. She will have her surgery this coming Wed afternoon. Hopefully she will be back doing handstands before we know it. O.K maybe not handstands but feeling like her ole self soon.
We had a fun weekend. Lindsay came to visit and she and I went to visit Scott's Mom and then to my parents to spend the night. It was nice having some time alone with my lil girl :)
Justin came to pick up Lindsay and we grilled out. I love having all my babies home with me.
My hubby has been a busy guy this weekend. He loved Eric's fire pit so much he came home and made us one and now he is working on a new salt block trough for the cows.
We had a campfire tonight to end a nice weekend and it was so relaxing.
Maybe soon we can have friends over for some campfire fun.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hayes Happenings

We had a great time with friends and family around a campfire last night @ Melissa and Eric's. The kids were making Somemores and we were drinking hot chocolate, hot apple cider and eating popcorn balls-Yummo.
I enjoyed meeting Melissa's Mom. She is very pretty and sweet and those grandkids sure love their Gigi.
Lindsay, Hunter and I spent the day together shopping and having lunch. We were shopping for a few supplies to help make games for our Hallelujah Hoedown festival for our church held Thanksgiving weekend. Lindsay made a really cute lollipop tree. I should of taken a picture.
Looks like Scott and Hunter will get lots of father/son time this week together which I love for both of them.
I am off to see my Mother in law and parents.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday Update

They changed Mom's surgery from Monday to Wednesday today due to Dr. scheduling problems.
Lindsay and I are going to spend a few days with Mom and Dad over the long weekend since she has Monday off. I'm looking forward to it.
The calves are really growing. They are eating feed now so we will be taking them off the milk replacer soon. Hunter and Cooper(friend) were so cute a few days ago trying to rope the calves. I think I have a cowboy in the making. He already had me buy him boots and he talked his Daddy into the rope. Hope he doesn't ask for a horse :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday Update

Mom will have surgery on Monday Nov, 12 in the afternoon.
Lindsay informed me that Papa had already named the cat Shadow so I guess Shadow it is. Yesterday Shadow ran up to me and she had cobwebs all over her face. She's such a sweet kitty.
I started taking an on line class to become a substitute teacher in our county. I also got my card in the mail today saying I can start subbing but have to complete the class within 4 weeks. Boring but informative for sure.
Hunter is finally feeling better and went back to school today.
The calf pen would have been comical for anyone that had been watching me this morning but not for me.
We moved the calves to a new pen that I had never fed them in. The bottles would not stay on the fence since the calves kept bumping them off. I had to go in the pen twice to get the bottles back that dropped. I finally ended dumping the milk bottles into a bucket and letting the most determined calves get their fill. Then I had to go in the pen and get the bucket and one of the calves stepped on my foot. Ouch. I think they are being fed to much :) Thankfully they are also eating feed and soon we will not have to bottle feed anymore.
I'm looking forward to teaching CIA's at church tonight. I missed not being there last week.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tuesday Update

Hunter is feeling better. Praise the Lord. He will return to school tomorrow.
Mom is having surgery on her wrist next week. They are going to have to put in plates and screws. Hopefully it will go very smoothly and she will have a quick recovery. Please keep her in your prayers.
We have a new black kitten/cat that joined us about a month ago. She is very friendly and sweet.
Check out my cute new kitty pictures. She use to belong to our neighbor but wonders off and they said she could stay. Haven't named her yet. Any suggestions?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Crazy Life

I went to Jacksonville Sat around 11:00a.m to see about Mom and help Dad around the house. When I left home I knew Hunter wasn't feeling well but knew he was in good hands with his Dad.
Mom is doing o.k. She looks funny with that big cast from her fingertips to her elbow and she said it is sooooo heavy. She is in good spirits for being in pain. Her other hand has a splint on it that she can remove. She is such a trooper. I enjoyed spending time with Mom and Dad and was looking forward to maybe staying thru Monday. Hunter continued to get sicker and wanted me to come home. I left Mom and Dad's after I checked on both of them around 5:30a.m Sunday morning. Hunter must of picked up a stomach bug. He said he felt kinda bad Friday before school but went thinking it would go away. He said his stomach hurt off and on all day but didn't call me to pick him up. Saturday morning he and his Dad were going to the Hunter's safety course which has been scheduled for several months and he was so excited. He didn't make it and is very bummed but I told him we would reschedule soon. Hopefully he will over this quickly and not miss much school since he had to miss 3 days the week before for Grandpa's funeral. On a better note he did awesome on his report card. I am very proud of him.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Prayer Request

Please pray for my friend in Jacksonville. Her name is Marvis and she is going in for her 4th stint on Monday morning.
Please also pray for my Mom. She fell at her home this afternoon outside on the porch and shattered her left wrist and sprained her right wrist. She has to go see an orthopedic surgeon soon. She said she is pretty scraped up and I'm sure she will be sore from the fall.
Please pray that Mom and Marvis' Dr's will be able to take good care of them.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Windy Wednesday

As you can tell by my pictures that the lil calves were happy to pose for the camera. I really think they thought it was something to eat. One did manage to get the camera strap in his mouth while I tried to get a close up. Yea, Scott gets to take over the feeding starting tomorrow-YIPPEEEE :)
We had a fun evening at a local church down the street. They had games, food, candy and bouncy things set up and everyone seemed to have a great time. Kayla & I had Michael the Pastor's son with us tonight and we took turns walking around with him. He was so good and had a blast. At one time tonight I had Michael's snow cone and my coke in one hand, Michael's candy bag on one shoulder and Hunter's on the other shoulder and a very messy candy apple that I was trying to eat in the other hand and my mouth glued together from the apple. I never made it to the actual apple it was just too sticky and I had it all over my face. Glad it was dark at that point :)
Hope everyone had a Blessed Day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Terrific Tuesday

The weather here this morning has been wonderful. I love fall. The wind is blowing and the sun has been shinning off and on. I've had my windows open all morning. Perfect weather for feeding the calves. All went well with that this morning. I had everyone of them drinking their bottles at the same time-Thank you God for little blessings. I was even able to slip in the other side undetected and give them some dry calf feed in their little trough. No mishaps or cow slobber for this 1/2 city girl this morning.
Hunter has a soccer game this evening. Hopefully the rain holds off . Rain or shine they play unless the field is too wet. Yesterday Hunter had practice in the rain. The coach said they may only practice an hour maybe shorter if it continued to rain. They practiced 1 1/2 hours and everyone was soaked to the bone and none of them wanted to quit practice. Even the coach was muddy and having a blast. His coach is a 1st year college student and a sweet person. He quit his part time job because he wasn't going to be able to be at the games for his team. I thank God for him. He has been a blessing to the kids.
Who are you thankful for?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Wet Monday

I woke to rain this morning and new it was going to be an interesting morning since I had to feed the calves alone this morning(thanks Scott) :) I started mixing 6 bottles in the rain trying not to get the paper bag that the milk came in wet. I hurried the milk replacer bag to dry ground and went back to continue mixing the bottles. I loaded the bottles up on the golf cart and thought to myself not a bad start even if it is raining. I did a 360 on the golf cart and off fell the bottles with only 1 spilling 1/2 the contents. O.K maybe it wasn't gonna run as smoothly as I thought this morning. I ran to refill the bottle in record time and off slower this time but I'm off. I notice out of the left corner of my eye something is different. Hummmmmm. Why is there 1 large cow on the wrong side of the fence where we have the cows seperated and suppose to be all on the back 1/2 of the property. Do one of my neighbors have an escaped cow? Did one of Scott's pets break his fence? O.K what do I do first here? Should I run feed the calves I hear calling for bottles or make a run for the front gate with 6 bottles in tow and risk dropping them again. I risk it all and head to the front gate to shut it just in case the cow decides to escape. I race to the front gate in the golf cart praying the battery doesn't run out before I get back to the main yard. I get back to to the main yard park the golf cart that is just about to die on me and walked in the rain to my car. I'm now soaked. I jump in my car and run over to the golf cart put the bottles in my car and off to feed the little ones. All 6 wanted their bottle 1st of course. If they are 1st to finish their bottles they try to push the other calves away trying to break their suction so they can get to the unfinished bottle-Yikes what pigs(don't get any idea's Scott I'm drawing the line with calves :() When they finish their bottles if you don't hurry and get them they start butting the bottle and it falls in the pen with them. Guess who had to go in the pen and retrieve them. Yep me. Once in the pen they all start trying to suck on your arms, legs, clothes ect-cute but now I'm covered once again in cow slobber. Back in the car and going through the back field trying to find out which cow is on the other side. It's one of ours she must be kin to Hodinie. Not sure how she managed to get on the other side, didn't see any breaks in the fence but their is a small gap. Who knows anyway I decide to let all the cows come graze with her on the other side because they are all looking at me with sad eyes telling me the grass looks greener on the other side, Can you believe cows think that too-I thought it was only humans that think that. :<>
O.k back inside after my shower and thinking about my morning . If my girlfriends in Jacksonville could have seen me they would be on the floor rolling. They use to tell me I was gonna be a farm girl and my famous last words were they ain't no way...... Scott owes me big time. Did I metioned I want a massage chair from the Sharper Image :)
How is your day going?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Prayers Answered

Thanks for all the prayers for my Father in Law and family. As most of you know he passed away peacefully Monday evening. He had been really sick for awhile. I know it sounds horrible to say but when I prayed I asked Jesus to take him home. I am at peace knowing he is not suffering anymore. It was a beautiful funeral service celebrating his long full life. He was retired Military and a retired Fire Chief. The Fire Dept Chaplin preached his funeral . Jacksonville Sheriff's Office did a Police escort from the funeral home to the Cemetery with a Fire Rescue ambulance leading the way. Once at the cemetery we were greeted by 2 fire trucks and a full Military funeral. It was very touching and honoring. My Hunter couldn't take his eyes off the 21 gun salute. How proud we all are of having the honor of knowing Clarence Gordon Hayes. Mr. Hayes was 86 years young and had been married to Scott's Mom for 63 years. Wow. Please remember Mrs. Hayes in your prayers because the days ahead alone will really be trying for her.
I hope to soon bring her to the farm and to church and show her our new home.
Thanks again for the prayers...

Friday, October 19, 2007


Check out the cute pictures we took the other day. I am happy to report calf #441 is happily drinking from a bottle thanks to Papa and lots of patients. We named him John Boy. Each time my Dad feeds him he follows him around like he is his Momma and then when he get in his truck to drive away he runs down the fence chasing Dad like a dog would follow you-too cute.
Hunter's field trip to Moltrie Georgia went well. I had 6 7th grade boys in my group and they were so cute and well behaved. I really wish I would have taken my camera. :(
We are building a new calf barn closer to the house with a roof on it so it will make it easier for us. The way it sounds this might not be our only experience with new calfs :() My Husband really is trying to make a cowgirl out of me :<>

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thanks for the Prayers

Dad's procedure went well today. He has a follow up visit with his Dr. in a month. If he feels o.k he and Mom are going to come for a visit tomorrow afternoon. I thank God that everything went as smoothly as it did. Thanks again for your prayers.
We went to to pick up my daughter this evening and brought her home with us for a few days while her hubby went to N.Y on a trial team trip. It feels great having her and my grand dog Ruby home with us.
Happy Blogging...

Here a moo there a moo everywhere a moo moo

Check out our new calf pictures.