Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Busy December

December seems to flash by so fast every year to me. I know it's because there is soooooo much going on and you want to try and take it all in but it makes me tired. I really want to slow down enough to fellowship with family and friends and remember the true meaning of the holiday. Jesus' birthday.
Hunter's soccer season came to an end last weekend and they had a team party. It was very nice and J.J made us an awesome cake. Hunter is looking forward to sign up's in Feb.
I have subbed at Hunter's school twice this week and it has been a great experience. Tuesday I taught a business class and today Social Studies. Children truly are a gift from God.
Hope you all have a blessed week.


Melissa said...

I'm so glad you have been able to sub at Hunter's school. What a blessing God provided for you.
Sherry, I want you know I'm praying for you and I appreciate everything you have done for me and my family. You are a gift from the Lord!

sanctuaryseeker said...

Yeah, I can totally relate to December flashing by. Have you heard anything from your MRI?
It's really cool that you got to go to school with Hunter.
Let me hear from ya.

missy said...

hey Mrs. sherry. what's up i wanted to tell you that im in lakeland at a tournament with my friends

Me Myself and I said...

Hello Mrs.Sherry Fri night I went on a date with shelby and now were going steady!!!