Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Farm Pictures

Scott loves for me to display pictures of the farm on my blog.
Here is a few new ones we took. We have seen a large number of turkeys lately in the field.
I took a picture of one of our bulls this afternoon. He is one of our largest calves. I think he was born in January. We have had about 6 or so calves born since him. They are growing fast.
We are very thankful for the rain that has made us have nice grass for them to graze on.
Check out Hunter and Scott with the watermelons that were grown in our field this summer at bottom of page.
Have a blessed day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Go Away Fay

Just thought I would share a few pictures of our farm flooded by Fay. SOOOO ready for Fay to go away and stay. At least we can get in and out of our home and road. We need to remember to pray for those whose homes were destroyed by Fay. Scott said he has seen lots of fallen trees, power lines and flooded homes on his beat.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer's Here

Hello to all my long lost blogging buddies,
I know it's been a few months but I'm gonna try to post at least once a month this summer if not more.
We are just finishing Vacation Bible School up and had a nice turn out. We have some super teachers this year and one of our youngest teachers has done an amazing job with her class this year. The kids love and respect her and she has led 5 children to the Lord this week. Can I get a Amen. That's what it's all about right there. It seems to be a lot of work but oh sooooooooooo worth every minutes of time and effort that goes into it.
I'm looking forward to a vacation coming up soon with my parents and son.
Hope everyone has a safe, fun and cool summer.
Because He Lives

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Break Fun

I know it's been awhile but hopefully I am back blogging again. Guess I have just been lazy.
Hunter was on Spring Break from school last week and we really stayed on the go. His friend was in a cheer leading competition in Jacksonville so we went to see her and stayed with my parents and visited friends for a few days. He was thrilled to hang out with his buddy Jared some. Back to Palatka to meet his friend at the Clay County fair Tuesday. Wednesday we took my parents to a museum and out to dinner. Thursday back to Jax for Hunter and Scott to go deep sea fishing and Scott's Mom and I spent the day shopping. On Friday we went to Wild Adventures in Valdosta, GA and met his friend, one of her friends and her Mom . We were so tired by the end of the day but we braved it again on Saturday for about 1/2 a day before the rain started. I was ready to head home but stopped too shop a bit at some outlet stores. Sunday after church we had a VBS meeting to get things rolling. Looks like it's gonna be a fun VBS this year. We will take an imaginary trip to Hawaii. I'm excited since I haven't made it there in person YET. If you have never helped with VBS you should at least once in your life. It is lots of fun and what a blessing to see little one's come to know Jesus.
Until next time.
Because He Lives

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Special Delivery

Shadow had 3 kittens this morning. They are so cute. Mom and kittens seems to be doing fine. She is being such a good Momma.

Dad and Scott finished putting up a fence yesterday. Praise The Lord... No more opening and closing 2 gates every time I leave the house. YIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEE

Dad planted sunflowers running along the fence line in front of and down one side of our house. I can't wait to see them in full bloom.

Hunter started soccer practice Tuesday. He is very excited to be playing again and to have the same awesome coach he had last season.

Please keep my brother Jerry in your prayers. He is now in Iraq learning how to turn salt water into fresh. He is not in the military but working over there as a civilian for the next year.
My prayer is that he learns this trade and can come back home and use it to help solve the water problems in Florida.

Please keep the Tribeck family in your prayers. Jim went home to be with the Lord last night. I am so thankful we have such an awesome God to take care of us.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring is in the Air

My parents came for a visit yesterday. This morning Hunter and Dad went out to the garden Dad plowed up a few weeks ago and began working the dirt again so they could plant. Hunter loves spending time with his Papa and I think Papa is pretty fond of Hunter too.

We had another calf born yesterday. He is really cute. That makes 5 new calves since January.

Our cat Shadow is going to be a Mommy soon also. We are all very excited to see the new kittens. I made shadow and inside cat since she's so close. I lock her up in my bathroom at night but when she started meowing at 5:30 this morning she came very close to becoming an outside cat again :()

On Feb 22nd we had a storm come through. It messed up our new gazebo we put on our deck last summer and bent Hunter's trampoline in half almost. Praise the Lord no one was hurt.

I'm really excited about VBS planning starting at our church. I love the fact that so many children come to know Christ during VBS. It's such a wonderful opportunity for everyone to get involved and invite someone to come join the fun. If you have never helped during VBS you are really missing so serious fun.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Family Fun

My parents and Aunt and Uncle from N.Carolina came for a visit this past week. It was so great to see everyone. My Uncle Bill is my Mom's brother. We played on the farm, went to church, out to dinner, shopped and enjoyed each others company. I wish they could have stayed longer. It always seems you run out of time for the things you want to do with company. Hopefully they will come back soon. We plan on visiting them over summer vacation.
We had another calf born this past week. He is solid black except a little white on his face like his momma. He is very small but so cute. Speaking of babies our Cat that we just got in Oct is gonna have kittens. She is such a great cat. I hope her kittens are as sweet as she is. She's solid black. The other night we saw a tiger colored male on our back porch. Not sure who's cat it is but it was very pretty. I'll post pictures when they arrive.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I wanted to show you Pepper's new pillow that Hunter made for her. When Hunter was about 5 my Mom taught him to sew simple things like a button or how to hem curtains. He started hand sewing pillows for himself and friends. His other Grandmother thought it was neat and bought him a Singer sewing machine for Christmas this year and my Mom taught him to sew on it. He enjoys it and picked it up quickly. I haven't learned to sew on it yet. Hopefully Hunter will teach me. Our dog Pepper is getting older and Hunter wanted her to have a huge bed. I think we made it too big but Hunter said it's just right for him to lay on it with her while watching T.V.

Check out this huge egg one of our chicken's laid. I had never seen an egg so large. Thought it was neat and decided to share.

I guess I will be blogging more again. I was substitute teaching at Hunter's school several days a week but our state is going through a budget cut and they called me and said they had to cut all subs. Maybe next year. I will still see the children since I plan on volunteering some.


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Children In Action

Our Children In Action (CIA'S) at church have been learning about a missionary named Eric Bergquist. He started a ministry in San Francisco California called the Page Street Baptist Ministry. They help homeless people and runaways. They give them an opportunity to earn food and clothing by helping and serving others. Our CIA'S are collecting new socks for a mission's project to send to help with this ministry. Here are a few pictures of the kids decorating a sock box and a mural to conclude this months lesson. My class is 1st thru 3rd grade mostly boys and Mrs. Suzanne's class is 4th thru 6th grade and mostly girls. Last night before my class joined the older class to work on the project we were discussing donating the socks to this ministry. I gave each boy a pair of socks that I had purchased to put in the box. None of them wanted to carry the girls socks to the box. The boys were quite curious about who donates the rest of the clothing. I explained that other's helped this ministry as well and some might donate shoes, or pants or even underwear. You should of seen their eyes light up and they started giggling. I said well we all wear them right and they all agreed. Then one little boy with a very serious face said who has to donate the bra's? He was very glad that it wasn't us and it wouldn't be our next mission project.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So much to do So little time

It seems since the New Year has began I have hit the pavement running and haven't stopped . Of course if you looked behind me you wouldn't believe it for one minute. Hunter tried to be my new exercise coach but I wasn't a very good student. I think I made it to class 3 days in a row before I dropped out. My friend Cindy invited us over to their house for a cookout last Saturday and she looked great. She is doing Jenny Craig and going to the gym every day. How do you people stay focused? I try and give up before I hardly get started. I'll try again tomorrow or the next day...
I have been subbing at a Middle School quite a bit lately. I really enjoy it and some classes are more challenging than others. I like that I am starting to know a lot of the students by name instead of face only. They are really a great bunch of kids. I do have to wonder how many parents actually check or at least ask their child if they have pencil and paper before they leave home or if they have homework when they get home.
Everyone is doing well and Hunter's burns have healed nicely. He is putting Maderma on them a few times a day.
Please put my friend Becky's son Jay Pope on your prayer list. He is having surgery April 1st and will have a lengthy recovery. He is such a sweet young man and I love him dearly.
Hope everyone is off to a great start this New Years and I look forward to hearing from ya.

Friday, January 11, 2008

New Year, New baby Calf

Hunter and I went for a ride on the golf cart to check on the cows this afternoon and we found a baby calf had been born and he looked like a little lamb. I will take better pictures later it was starting to get dark on us but luckily I thought to grab the camera just in case we saw something fun to take a picture of. I have missed some great pictures on the farm of deer, coyote, turtles, owls and turkeys. Scott is really the picture taker in the family. He just seems to have a better eye when it comes to photography.

Hunter is recovering from 2nd degree burns on his chin and neck. He was frying something Sat night and dropped the tongs by accident in hot oil and they popped opened and splashed grease on him. We are thankful it was not any worse than it was. His burns are already starting to heal and I am greatful for all the prayers, phone calls and words of encouragement. He went back to school Wednesday bandaged up but I hope he won't have to wear them next week if all goes well.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful new start to 2008 and just wondering if anyone made any New Year's resolutions?? I use to say every year mine was to lose weight. Since that never worked I made a resolution not to make a resolution to trick myself into losing weight. That didn't work for me either. Sooooooooooo the saga continues...............