Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring is in the Air

My parents came for a visit yesterday. This morning Hunter and Dad went out to the garden Dad plowed up a few weeks ago and began working the dirt again so they could plant. Hunter loves spending time with his Papa and I think Papa is pretty fond of Hunter too.

We had another calf born yesterday. He is really cute. That makes 5 new calves since January.

Our cat Shadow is going to be a Mommy soon also. We are all very excited to see the new kittens. I made shadow and inside cat since she's so close. I lock her up in my bathroom at night but when she started meowing at 5:30 this morning she came very close to becoming an outside cat again :()

On Feb 22nd we had a storm come through. It messed up our new gazebo we put on our deck last summer and bent Hunter's trampoline in half almost. Praise the Lord no one was hurt.

I'm really excited about VBS planning starting at our church. I love the fact that so many children come to know Christ during VBS. It's such a wonderful opportunity for everyone to get involved and invite someone to come join the fun. If you have never helped during VBS you are really missing so serious fun.


1 comment:

gideonmommasita said...

crazy trampoline! I heard there were tornados down your way...Love the new pics.