Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Family Fun

My parents and Aunt and Uncle from N.Carolina came for a visit this past week. It was so great to see everyone. My Uncle Bill is my Mom's brother. We played on the farm, went to church, out to dinner, shopped and enjoyed each others company. I wish they could have stayed longer. It always seems you run out of time for the things you want to do with company. Hopefully they will come back soon. We plan on visiting them over summer vacation.
We had another calf born this past week. He is solid black except a little white on his face like his momma. He is very small but so cute. Speaking of babies our Cat that we just got in Oct is gonna have kittens. She is such a great cat. I hope her kittens are as sweet as she is. She's solid black. The other night we saw a tiger colored male on our back porch. Not sure who's cat it is but it was very pretty. I'll post pictures when they arrive.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I wanted to show you Pepper's new pillow that Hunter made for her. When Hunter was about 5 my Mom taught him to sew simple things like a button or how to hem curtains. He started hand sewing pillows for himself and friends. His other Grandmother thought it was neat and bought him a Singer sewing machine for Christmas this year and my Mom taught him to sew on it. He enjoys it and picked it up quickly. I haven't learned to sew on it yet. Hopefully Hunter will teach me. Our dog Pepper is getting older and Hunter wanted her to have a huge bed. I think we made it too big but Hunter said it's just right for him to lay on it with her while watching T.V.

Check out this huge egg one of our chicken's laid. I had never seen an egg so large. Thought it was neat and decided to share.

I guess I will be blogging more again. I was substitute teaching at Hunter's school several days a week but our state is going through a budget cut and they called me and said they had to cut all subs. Maybe next year. I will still see the children since I plan on volunteering some.
