Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Crazy Life

I went to Jacksonville Sat around 11:00a.m to see about Mom and help Dad around the house. When I left home I knew Hunter wasn't feeling well but knew he was in good hands with his Dad.
Mom is doing o.k. She looks funny with that big cast from her fingertips to her elbow and she said it is sooooo heavy. She is in good spirits for being in pain. Her other hand has a splint on it that she can remove. She is such a trooper. I enjoyed spending time with Mom and Dad and was looking forward to maybe staying thru Monday. Hunter continued to get sicker and wanted me to come home. I left Mom and Dad's after I checked on both of them around 5:30a.m Sunday morning. Hunter must of picked up a stomach bug. He said he felt kinda bad Friday before school but went thinking it would go away. He said his stomach hurt off and on all day but didn't call me to pick him up. Saturday morning he and his Dad were going to the Hunter's safety course which has been scheduled for several months and he was so excited. He didn't make it and is very bummed but I told him we would reschedule soon. Hopefully he will over this quickly and not miss much school since he had to miss 3 days the week before for Grandpa's funeral. On a better note he did awesome on his report card. I am very proud of him.

1 comment:

sanctuaryseeker said...

Hey Sherry,
I am sorry that Hunter is feeling under the weather. I can tell you from working at a school, the stomach thing is definitely going around.
I feel so bad about your poor mama's wrists. We will continute to pray for her.
Hope the calves are doing great for you.