Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday Newsflash

Please be in prayer for my cousin David. His wife Kathy Yarborough passed away this morning. It's so hard saying goodbye even though we know she is in a better place and out of pain.
Also keep my Mom in prayer. She will have her surgery this coming Wed afternoon. Hopefully she will be back doing handstands before we know it. O.K maybe not handstands but feeling like her ole self soon.
We had a fun weekend. Lindsay came to visit and she and I went to visit Scott's Mom and then to my parents to spend the night. It was nice having some time alone with my lil girl :)
Justin came to pick up Lindsay and we grilled out. I love having all my babies home with me.
My hubby has been a busy guy this weekend. He loved Eric's fire pit so much he came home and made us one and now he is working on a new salt block trough for the cows.
We had a campfire tonight to end a nice weekend and it was so relaxing.
Maybe soon we can have friends over for some campfire fun.


gideonmommasita said...

To complete the "Eric pit" pictures we need Hunter to stand in the middle. :) Nice Job

Me Myself and I said...

hey mrs.sherry it's me kyle pretty please check my blog out go to

sanctuaryseeker said...

How awful for your family and especially David. We will remember him in our prayers.
The fire pit is awesome. We were over at Ft. White this Sunday evening and there are several really nice places to have one of those on the property we are moving to. Please give your mom a hug for me and tell her I will be praying for her.
And while I'm at it, I pray for you too.
Love ya

BB Kight said...

I love your blog page. Very Cool!! All the pictures are so cute! But guess what? There are none of you somehow or another you got around (I know you dont like pictures) My Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and hope that your Mother does well through her surgery and wishing her a very speedy recovery.

Melissa said...

We are and will continue to pray for your mom. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin's wife. I can't imagine what he must be going through. We'll miss you tonight. Give your mom a hug and kiss from me, okay?

gideonmommasita said...

Sherri, you make me smile...thanks for the Hunter-Pit pix. Love your picture updates!