Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday Update

Mom will have surgery on Monday Nov, 12 in the afternoon.
Lindsay informed me that Papa had already named the cat Shadow so I guess Shadow it is. Yesterday Shadow ran up to me and she had cobwebs all over her face. She's such a sweet kitty.
I started taking an on line class to become a substitute teacher in our county. I also got my card in the mail today saying I can start subbing but have to complete the class within 4 weeks. Boring but informative for sure.
Hunter is finally feeling better and went back to school today.
The calf pen would have been comical for anyone that had been watching me this morning but not for me.
We moved the calves to a new pen that I had never fed them in. The bottles would not stay on the fence since the calves kept bumping them off. I had to go in the pen twice to get the bottles back that dropped. I finally ended dumping the milk bottles into a bucket and letting the most determined calves get their fill. Then I had to go in the pen and get the bucket and one of the calves stepped on my foot. Ouch. I think they are being fed to much :) Thankfully they are also eating feed and soon we will not have to bottle feed anymore.
I'm looking forward to teaching CIA's at church tonight. I missed not being there last week.


sanctuaryseeker said...

Sorry to hear that your mom needs all that work on her wrists. However, it is a blessing that we had medical technology to fix such things.
My niece had her baby tonite at 6:15. A beautiful baby girl. It was so awesome to see her. I can hardly believe my niece had a baby. Yuk! That must mean I am getting old.
I;m glad that Hunter is feeling better.
Love ya

MysteryPoster said...

WOW! That dog at the bottom of the page is the cutest dog I have ever seen!

Melissa said...

We prayed for your mom tonight. We will continue.
Glad to see you all back tonight. We've missed you.
Kitty is so cute!

Sherry Hayes said...

Mysteryposter your right that is a really cute dog. Now that you have a blog name I hope to see more pictures of that cute dog on your blog. LOL

gideonmommasita said...

3boys1girl3boyseven though you say the classes are boring it sounds interesting. Who is it through. Good for you, you'll be a great sub
Love reading about the cow misadventures.

Sherry Hayes said...

Emily it's through a website called the sub hub. I think that once you sign up here that they pay for you to take the classes. It's not teaching subjects it's more of how to deal with certain situations in a class setting. 2 more classes to go.
I love looking at your great blog and pictures too.