Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Farm Pictures

Scott loves for me to display pictures of the farm on my blog.
Here is a few new ones we took. We have seen a large number of turkeys lately in the field.
I took a picture of one of our bulls this afternoon. He is one of our largest calves. I think he was born in January. We have had about 6 or so calves born since him. They are growing fast.
We are very thankful for the rain that has made us have nice grass for them to graze on.
Check out Hunter and Scott with the watermelons that were grown in our field this summer at bottom of page.
Have a blessed day.


gideonmommasita said...

Man! That's a lot of watermelons! Did you grow them or someone else? Love the cow pictures, I don't think I want cows of my own but I would LOVE to live next to someone who had cows...horses too for that matter. Oh, and I want a cleaning lady and pool and oh...sorry about that. Thanks for posting.

Sherry Hayes said...

Hey Emily,
Nice to hear from you.
We let someone else grow the watermelons on our property and they shared with us. They are growing okra,and beans right now. I'd like one of those cleaning ladies too.
We don't have horse's now but maybe one day. I think our- I mean Scott's next venture will be goats. Hopefully when we get organized your family can come visit the farm.