Saturday, March 7, 2009

Building a Shooting Range

My brother, son and 2 nephews started building a shooting range this morning. It's a project that we have wanted to do for awhile now but just was not sure how to go about it. My brother Larry has been planning a design for awhile and put the plan into action. I can't wait until it's finished so they can enjoy some fun, safe target practice. I'll post more pictures when it's through.
Please keep my brother Jerry in prayer. He will be flying home over this weekend from Iraq. He has been working there for the last year. He will only be home a month and is suppose to return unless he lands a great job here while he's home.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Playing in the Dirt

Scott and one of our neighbors has been plowing for several weeks trying to get the ground right for planting. They starting planting watermelon seeds yesterday. The planter was not working properly so they decided to get Hunter involved and started planting by hand. I really think they just like playing in the dirt. At the end of the day everyone needs a long shower including the dogs. I think Pepper and Daisy has had a bath 3 nights in a row now. They love it on the farm. Daisy was brought to the farm to be a watch dog but instead she is a big chicken. Every little noise she hears she runs and hides behind one of us. She's a sweet heart though and very much a part of our family. I'll keep pictures posted as the watermelons and other crops they plant start popping up.
Have a Blessed day.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back in the Saddle

I love spring. It seems a time of new beginnings to me. I am trying to turn over some old leaves and start some new beginnings. Dieting is at the top of my list. Exercise is at the bottom. I'm thinking about it so that's a beginning for me. Keeping up my blog will be another I really want to focus on again. Speaking of blogging. A lot has happened since my last blog. Christmas came and went as well as the new year and Valentines Day. All of the holidays were nice and busy for me and my family. Hunter is playing soccer for his middle school team and waiting for the first big game. You know me-I'll be there to cheer him on win or lose. What ever he's playing is my favorite sport. Scott is driving me crazy starting one new project after another. I wish I had his drive and energy. He works, is trying to start a entertainment business on our farm featuring a petting zoo, bounce house and hayride. He also is in the process with a friend to start a huge garden of watermelons, cow corn, and lots of other veggies. It's really neat to watch the process of undertaking such a large project. His friend tried to get me to learn how to drive the tractor today. Can you believe that. I told him not today I'll stick to driving my dogs around on the golf cart.